However, I did manage to get myself out to a punk show finally. I can't remember the last show I attended. I was really impressed with the line-up. We were a little late arriving (because we got lost) so the show had already started. The first band (whose name I can't remember because it was in Japanese) was interesting. 2 piece experimental rock I guess is the best description. One guitarist and the other guy was vocals/symbols/entertainer. Wasn't a huge fan of the music although they were quite entertaining to watch.

The next band was One Size. Pop punk in Japan is still in the 1990's North American version of the genre, back when it was in its prime, before it started getting mixed up with metal and synth and all kinds of other things. Unfortunately I don't have a website link for them.
My favorite band of the night was ALF. They were also straight up pop-punk and tight. For the first couple songs I couldn't quite place my finger on who they sounded like and then it hit me! New Found Glory! And of course they ended up playing a cover of "My Friends Over You". They actually did 2 covers, I love covers. The second one was a cover of "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter which was INCREDIBLE!! I love surprise covers like that. It sounds really good as a punk song. Here's the original in case you forgot what it sounds like:
Here's some exciting news! Darren (lead singer from The Salads) e-mailed me in regards to a previous blog post which happened to be about the musical heart break they caused me. He was really cool about my reaction to The Big Picture and has assured me that The Salads I know and love are back in full swing. Yay!! Here's a bit of nostalgia for ya:
That's all. kthxbai
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