Over 30 years ago a woman named Dorothy Retallack conducted experiments using music, plants and their combined environment. These results are famous. Taking two identicle sets of plants in two separated but identicle rooms, she exposed them to music. The first set of plants were played quiet placid subdued devotional "religious" classical music, while the other set were subjected to loud aggressive rock music played at full deafening volume 24 hours a day. The plants exposed to rock grew away from the music source, withered and died, while the plants that were played religious music grew towards the music source and thrived.
Over 30 years ago a woman named Dorothy Retallack conducted experiments using music, plants and their combined environment. These results are famous. Taking two identicle sets of plants in two separated but identicle rooms, she exposed them to music. The first set of plants were played quiet placid subdued devotional "religious" classical music, while the other set were subjected to loud aggressive rock music played at full deafening volume 24 hours a day. The plants exposed to rock grew away from the music source, withered and died, while the plants that were played religious music grew towards the music source and thrived.
The lesson? If rock music attacks and kills plants, what does it do to people? I think it's rather obvious - it does the exact same thing!
People have been asking us what albums are 'safe' to listen to. Obviously we feel it's not who you should be listening to, it's who you should be protesting against that counts.Burning records and smashing up CDs of the most sick and anti-Christian artist.
As a good guidline, if you are unsure in any way ask yourself this. Does the band / music you wish to listen to include any of the following themes - RebellionViolenceNihilism (belief in nothing)EscapismDrugs / AlcoholismSexual Perversion, Self-MutilationDissonant / Offensive SoundThe OccultAnti-God / Anti-AuthorityCult-like Organization, Terrorism
If so, you should steer well clear. As the Bible teaches us anything that promotes or embraces any of these factors is prodominantly anti-Christian, and against all that God stands for. Obviously we cant name every band we would like to see banned or made child-safe, so we will give but a few you should definetly avoid like the plague.
AC/DC: song Hell's Bells, inspired "Night Stalker" serial killer, pentagrams on album art (Highway to Hell), violent cover art (If You Want Blood You Got It), guitarist admitted to being 'possessed' while on stage.
Aerosmith: drug and alcohol abuse, equating sex and religion on "Angel"
Agnostic Front: violent and rebellion-themed album art (Cause for Alarm)
Amen: objectionable album art (Disorderly Conduct)
Amen: objectionable album art (Disorderly Conduct)
Anthrax: violent album art (Fistful of Metal)
Bad Religion: objectionable band name, objectionable album art (Back to the Known)
Bauhaus: backwards Latin Satanic incantation in "Father, Son & Holy Ghost", Satanic imagery, anti-christian lyrics
Beastie Boys: more than 90 references to drug and alcohol abuse on Licensed to Ill
Birthday Party: likened Jesus to "bad seed", indecipherable lyrics about "post-crucifixion baby"
Black Flag: violent and suicide-themed album art (Family Man)
Black Market Baby: objectionable band name and album art (Senseless Offerings)
Black Sabbath: number of the beast, crucifixion imagery, objectionable album art (Born Again, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath)
Blaspheme: objectionable band name and album art (Last Supper)
David Bowie: occult, recorded "Quicksand" about Crowley
Celtic Frost: use crucifix as slingshot on album cover (To MegaTherion), occult links, rebellion
Christian Death: Gnosticism, sex- and occult-themed album art (Only Theatre of Pain, The Scriptures, Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ, What's the Verdict)
Coil: devotees of Aleister Crowley
Alice Cooper: on-stage mutilation, rebellion, "School's Out"prevents mice from solving mazes, objectionable album art (Constrictor)
Cramps: "degraded" sexuality (Date With Elvis)
Crass: crucifixion-themed album art (Christ the Album, Yes Sir I Will)
Crown of Thorns: objectionable band name and album art (Pictures)
Cure (The): alcohol abuse, blasphemy in "The Blood" and "Holy Hour", Satanic imagery in artwork
Cradle of Filth: openly satanic music, tshirts proclaiming 'jesus is a c*nt, mockery of Christ, anti-christian lyrics
Danzig: Use satanic imagery
Damned: crown of thorns imagery (Grimly Fiendish)
Dark Angel: objectionable band name and album art (Darkness Descends)
Dark Wizard: objectionable album art (Reign of Evil)
Dead Kennedys: objectionable album art (In God We Trust, Inc.)
Death: objectionable album art (Scream Bloody Gore)
Death: objectionable album art (Scream Bloody Gore)
Death Cult: objectionable album art (Death Cult)
Depeche Mode: songs about sex and sadomasochism, recorded "Blasphemous Rumors"
Deftones: rebellious message, encourage violence
Deicide: vocalist claims to be antichrist, burns inverted crosses on his head, blaspemous lyrics, satanic imagery
Dickies: mock Jesus on album art (Second Coming)
Electric hellfire club - promote satanic ideologies
Eurythmics: "Missionary Man" warns listeners away from salvation
Exodus: album art shows union of God and Satan
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: rebellion, songs about sex and sadomasochism, objectionable album art (Welcome to the Pleasure Dome), ruined Live Aid, homosexuality
Diamanda Galas: recorded album Litanies of Satan, proclaimed herself the Anti-Christ ("Sono l'Antichristo"), provided music for voodoo-themed movie The Serpent & the Rainbow, objectionable album art (Divine Punishment)
Good Charlotte: nihilism, rebellious lyrics 'young and hopeless'
Godsmack: voodooGeneration X: objectionable album art (Valley of the Dolls)
Guns n Roses: "sexual violence" in music, album art; inverted cross (Appetite for Destruction)
Helloween: objectionable album art (Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 2)
Jimi Hendrix: hypnotizing people through music, choking on own vomit, voodoo rhythms, rebellion, violence, "If 6 Was 9" used in interstitials
Billy Idol: rebellion, fake crucifixion in "Hot in the City" video, mock crosses in "White Wedding" video
Impaler: objectionable album art (Rise of the Mutants EP), eating raw meat on stage
INXS: recorded song "Devil Inside", comitted suicide
Iron Maiden: mascot Eddie told fan to kill himself; neuromancy, occult, rebellion, objectionable album art (Killers, The Number of the Beast, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)
Janes Addiction: drug abuse, objectionable album art (Nothing's Shocking)
Judas Priest: suicide, rebellion, objectionable album art (Hell Bent for Leather, Sin After Sin)
Killing Joke: mock Christianity in video, promote satanic ideologies
KISS: bloody stage show, sex, rebellion, violence
KMFDM - promote satanic ideologies
Kreator: objectionable album art (Pleasure to Kill)
Led Zeppelin: backmasked messages and references to Pan on "Stairway to Heaven", Zoso = number of the beast
Marlyn Manson - too many to mention here, blasphemy, ties to Church of Satan, mocks God, rebellion
Megadeth: occult, rebellion, objectionable album art (Killing Is My Business...And Business Is Good)
Mercyful Fate: "take their Satanism seriously", rebellion, occult, objectionable album art (Don't' Break the Oath)
Metal Church: objectionable album art (Metal Church)
Metallica: promote suicide on "Fade to Black"
Monster Magnet - Use occult symbols on album art
Moonspell - songs about vampirism, paganism
Moonspell - songs about vampirism, paganism
Motley Crüe: equate sex and violence, used pentagram in album art (Shout at the Devil)
Motörhead: crucifixion-themed album art (unknown source)
Mudvayne - promote satanic ideologies
My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult: Satanic message, objectionable album art (I See Good Spirits & I See Bad Spirits)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Satanic imagery
Ozzy Osbourne: rebellion, attacking Jim Bakker in "Miracle Man", satanic imagery on album art (Blizzard of Ozz, No Rest for the Wicked), promote suicide on "Suicide Solution", released album Mr. Crowley devoted to Aleister Crowley, scary face
Offspring: rebellion
Papa Roach - Use occult symbology on album art
Jimmy Page: "one of the leading occultists of the rock generation," owns occult bookstore, bought Aleister Crowley's former home and had it refurbished by a Satanic decorator
Pink Floyd: lyrics about rebellion
Poison Idea: mutilation-themed album art (Kings of Punk)
Iggy Pop/the Stooges: bloodletting at concert
Linkin Park: encourage violence, rebellious lyrics
Nirvana: nihilism, anti-christian lyrics, violent lyrics, song 'rape me', mock the crucifixion, singer committed suicide, hardly a role model for fans everywhere, and lead to fans commiting suicide to emulate him.
Nine inch Nails: rebellious lyrics, nihilism, sex, sick lyrics 'f*ckyou like an animal/closer to God'
Possessed: general Satanism and witchcraft
Psychic TV: music arm of Crowley-linked sect Thee Temple of Psychick Youth, objectionable album art (Live at Thee Circus)
Queen: backmasking, drug abuse, open homosexuality, singer died of aids
Rammstein - all lyrics in German (The language of Hitler)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - use occult symbols on album art, rebellion, inspired violence and arson at Glastonberry '99
Rolling Stones: recorded song "Sympathy for the Devil" on At Her Satanic Majesty's Request, objectionable album art (Goats Head Soup, Undercover, Tattoo You), bankrolled sect called the Process, made satanic movie Invocation of My Demon Brother
Sex Pistols: rebellion, self-mutilation, Rotten designed t-shirt with upside-down crucifixion
Sepultura - promote satanic ideologies
Siouxsie and the Banshees: recorded song "Sin in My Heart"
Siouxsie and the Banshees: recorded song "Sin in My Heart"
Sister: pentagrams
Sisters of Mercy: Satanic imagery
Slayer: used pentagram on album art, lyrics glorifying the Devil (Reign in Blood)
Slipnot: use satanic imagery on album art, violence in lyrics
Smiths: Satanic imagery
Sonic Youth: obsessed with death ("Death Valley '69")
Spooky Tooth: album cover depicts Jesus with hand nailed to head (Ceremony)
Suicidal Tendencies: pentagrams
Suicide: promote suicide
Therion: promote satanic ideologies
Tori Amos: 'father lucifer' satanic lyrics, claimed she wanted to marry satan in interview
Throbbing grissle: promote satanic ideologies
Twisted Sister: rebellion, violent album art (Stay Hungry)
Venom: album title Welcome to Hell, pentagram and goat imagery
White Zombie: Anti-Christian imagery
And of course all black metal bands, as all promote nazi, pagan and anti Christian ideologies. I do hope this helps for starters.
Haha, this is brilliant! I bet it took you forever to write. Take THAT PMRC! By the way, put W.A.S.P. on the list, they're one of the most satanic bands in non-black metal heavy metal.
Clue: They have a song entitled "Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)", an album called "The Crimson Idol", light themselves on fire (the singer, Blackie Lawless, tought Nikki Sixx the trick) and stick a pentagram wherever a pentagram fits. And the original and former lead guitarist, Chris Holmes, is a flaming racist (told Slash that "niggers (and I quote)" shouldn't play guitar), junkie, alcoholic, and all around asshole. Hope this helps. And remember: In the seasons of wither, we'll stand and deliver. Be strong and laugh and SHOUT At The Devil!
I can`t take credit for this brillant piece. It was posted on myspace by Agnostic Front
fuck you this is stupid, wasp is the shit and on guns n roses record the cross isnt inverted. the person that wrote this doesnt have a clue what shes talkin about. Metal Forever.
by the way wasp arent satanic, blackie lawless refuses to play fuck like a beast now because of his religous beliefs, he says he doest want to set a bad example
Lets see, mmm. 80's metal was about rebellion ok. Most bands were fighting with PMRC at the time to gain publicity. The bands won in the end but gained way more fans because of it. The bible teaches killing is good (old testament)then this jesus love guy comes around and teaches the opposite. God has killed more people and is responsible for millions more if you believe in that bible shit. Of course Shout At The Devil made sense in the 80's. Time to wake up.
Maybe you fucking morons should look into the meaning of what the bands are saying. How goddamn stupid would it be for a band to try to convince their fans to kill themselves. If their fans all committed suicide, it might just effect the income of the band. I've been to plenty of concerts and have never heard any band membre say "Thanks for the money now we hope you all die.",or "Hey, now that the shows over, lets go kill some christians!". They are all just words, which is just a way to express what you're feeling, experiencing, or witnessing in your life. People experience different events in their lives, be it tragic or wonderful, so some write songs about it. Would you damn all the little boys who have been raped by a pastor for writing a hymn or singing a capella about being ass raped by someone they are supposed to have full faith and trust in? Just because you dont like the way it sounds doesnt mean its evil and horrible. Change the station dumbass. There is plenty of death in the bible. I dont see any of you bitching about that. There is enough haterd in the world. Let people like what they want. If they are so stupid to believe that they are being told to kill themselves thenlet them. The world will be a better place if all the gullible dumbasses and haters are gone.
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