Wow this is late. Hey better late than never right? Anyway here is my "Best of 2007" list. Please enjoy. :) Also there will not be a 2008 version of this because I'm a bit isolated from Western pop culture at the moment.

Akon – Don’t Matter (single)I loved this song when it was first released and I still have a soft spot for it. Of course it was overplayed on every music medium at the time. It’s a groovin’ song. That’s not normally a term I use but if you know the song you’ll know what I mean.
January 22Rage Against The Machine confirm rumours that they reunited and would be playing Coachella. Holy fuck! Are you kidding me? What I would have given to go to Coachella this year or any year for that matter. Always a solid line up. But RATM being back together, that’s sweet! They’ve also scheduled a few dates in Tokyo for next weekend (February 9th and 10th) and because the universe loves us, we were able to get tickets for the Sunday show. I can't fuckin' wait!!!
January 23
Dustin Kensrue – Please Come HomeA solo album from the lead man from Thrice you say? It’s gotta be good. I honestly fell in love with this album right away. My first taste of it came from a friend/local artist in Fredericton who covered “Blood and Wine” at many of his shows. When I first got this album it didn’t leave my stereo for at least a year. I couldn’t stop listening. Even though most of the album has a very folky feel there is some Johnny Cash influence as well. From beginning to end this album makes me smile.
Key Tracks: Blood and Wine,
I Knew You BeforeJanuary 30
Norah Jones – Not Too LateI’ve been a huge fan of Norah since her 2002 debut album Come Away With Me. She held my attention through Feels Like Home and excited me with The Little Willies. Then Not Too Late was released I must say that I wasn’t completely thrilled, it definitely took a few listens in order for it to catch on. In my opinion it’s definitely not as good as her previous efforts but it’s still listenable.
Lily Allen – Alright StillOK so I was a little slow catching on to Miss Allen. I don’t think I had even heard her until the summer, thanks to Mr. Jon Bowie. I bought the album right away because I liked Smile so much. This is the perfect “fuck you” album for the chick who just got fucked over by some douchebag or the girl who’s feeling a bit bitter because guys are always all up in her shit. I don’t care if you’re a tom boy, hate female singers or what your deal is, this album is worth a listen.
Key Tracks: Knock ‘em Out, Everything’s Just Wonderful, Take What You Take
The Police announce a reunion tourI’m not as big of a police fan as some people I know but this was HUGE news. If the tickets weren’t retarded expensive I would have considering going to see them. I’ve heard that they weren’t as good as they could have been. They are getting pretty old so many that had something to do with it. ;)
February 6
Fall Out Boy – Infinity on HighAnyway who says they don’t like Fall Out Boy are lying! There I said it! There is no shame in liking these guys, they write some damn good songs! This album is no exception and I’m not the only one who thinks this way, this album has appeared on every “Best of 2007” list I have read thus far. Aside from the ability to write super catchy pop songs that stay in your head for days, Patrick Stump has some of the best vocals I’ve heard. If you’ve never listened to Fall Out Boy because it’s not “cool” do yourselves a favour and listen. You don’t have to tell anyone that you did, just listen. Please. However try to avoid live tracks/videos, they’re not so good. Unless they’ve improved since I’ve seen them.
February 20
The Operation M.D. – We Have an EmergencyIf the name sounds familiar one of the two members is Cone from Sum 41, the other is Todd Morse of H20 and Juliette and the Licks. We Have an Emergency is one of many releases that went unnoticed by many critics this year. The first exposure I had to this album was on Much Music I saw the video for their first single “Sayonara”. This song is rockin’ as is most of the album. If you like garage-y, alternative rock like Juliette and the Licks you should check this album out.
Key Tracks: Sayonara, Chain Reaction
March 5
Arcade Fire – The Neon BibleArcade Fire are in my top 10 list of bands I want to see before I die. When I was first introduced to them with Funeral I was hesitant but a few listens later and I was hooked. Neon Bible is yet another brilliant album by these Canadians. Ya gotta love the music that has been growing out of Canada as of late.
Key Tracks: The Well and The Lighthouse, No Cars Go
April 10
From Autumn to Ashes – Holding a Wolf by the EarsThanks to this album we can all forget about the atrocity that was Abandon Your Friends. When I started getting into FATA it wasn’t for lyrical content or pretty songs it was because they shredded and I could rock out! It seems they saw the error in their ways and released an album more along the lines of their older albums. From track one this album grabs you and refuses to let go.
Key Tracks:
Deth Kult Social Club, Delusions of Grandeur, Travel
April 13
Joel Plaskett Emergency – Ashtray RockI would have to say this is tied for 1st on my list of the best albums of 2007, the other album being Against Me!’s New Wave. I heart Joel Plaskett. I remember seeing that lanky bastard at the Chestnut way back in the day. It was that show that solidified my love. It was through my friend Adam which I first heard Ashtray Rock and I fell in love. Not with Adam, with the album. Joel Plaskett lyrics are always the ones that make you feel connected to the music, if you’re from Canada more specifically the Maritimes. They know how to write a song that people will still be singing at kitchen parties 10 years from now. This album stays on heavy rotation in my stereo.
Key Tracks: Fashionable People, Soundtrack For The Night, Drunk Teenagers, Penny For Your Thoughts
May 1
Mad Caddies – Keep it GoingOh Mad Caddies and ska how I love you so! I had the pleasure of seeing these guys this year and it was fuckin’ amazing! They never disappoint, especially with this album. Even the slow tracks I don’t mind, State of Mind is one of the best tracks on the album.
Key Tracks: State of Mind, Backyard
May 15
Wilco – Sky Blue SkyThe first thing I’m going to say is that I regret not getting into Wilco a long time ago, therefore not being interested in attending the show they did at The Playhouse in Fredericton. Fuck these guys are good. But of course most of you reading this already know that and have known for some time. As soon as this album begins you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and that’s something that I like to feel once in a while especially when it’s caused by amazing melodies and soothing strings.
June 12
Strung Out – Blackhawks over Los AngelesI would love to see Strung Out live again. When I saw them in Moncton when they were touring their 2004 release, Exile in Oblivion. Strung Out do not disappoint with this album. Pure rock energy through and through.
Key Tracks: Calling, Downtown
June 19
The White Stripes – Icky ThumpI remember the first time I heard the first single from this album. Jon and I were sitting in his car in the parking lot of our apartment with the radio on. This strange song was playing and we both looked at each other and were like “WTF?”. I thought it sounded like Jack White and lo and behold it was. I have to be honest I was never a big fan of The White Stripes until Get Behind Me Satan when we had a play copy at Music World (R.I.P.). That album was on heavy rotation for a month or so and I was hooked then out came the Cold Mountain soundtrack which Jack contributed a lot to. Let's just say this album also rocks!
July 10
Bad Religion – New Maps of HellIt’s Bad Religion what can I say? Certainly nothing bad because Erin, Jamie and Kyle would never speak to me again. I have to admit that when I first heard the single I wasn’t overly impressed. Empire Strikes First knocked me on my ass. The more I listen to New Maps of Hell the more it grows on me, the intro kind of throws you for a loop, it's a bit outside the box when it comes to Bad Religion, but once the first track starts you realize it's the Bad Religion we all know and love. Honest Goodbye is a little weak but other than that, the album is pretty solid.
Key Tracks: Heroes and Martyrs, Requium for Dissent
Against Me! – New WaveFUCKIN’ AWESOME! Do I really need to say much more than that? This album is solid fuckin’ gold.
Key Tracks: Thrash Unreal,
New Wave, Up The Cuts,
July 17
Yellowcard – Paper WallsI have to admit I was a little hesitant when I heard that Yellowcard were in the process of writing a new album because their last one was horrible. Lead man Ryan Key was right in saying that Lights and Sounds would alienate a lot of their fans. However after getting that concept album out of their system they turned around and produced an album that rivals Ocean Avenue. Finally you can hear the violin again, which is what pulled many fans to Yellowcard in the first place. This album is solid pop from start to finish, although Dear Bobbie is a bit of a tear jerker.
Key Tracks: The Takedown, Dear Bobbie,
Five Becomes Four (sound quality is shit)August
Ben Lee – New WaveThis is just a fun little addition to my list. Anyone who likes Against Me!’s New Wave has to check out Ben Lee version of the album. Ben Lee was quoted as saying the reason he covered the album was because he, “...fell in love with the album. It is unmistakably a pop masterpiece”. Ben Lee’s stripped down, popified version of the album is one of the best cover sets I’ve ever heard.
October 2007
Godsmack go on hiatus. Finally! I'm tired of hearing these guys.
October 2
Bruce Springsteen – MagicYet another brilliant album from Mr. Springsteen. I developed a new found love for the boss. Where The Seeger Sessions was a folk album this album takes us back to old school Springsteen but better.
Radio Nowhere, the first single and the first track gives you that feeling where you can't sit still you just have to tap your foot or bob your head.
October 9
A Wilhelm Scream – Career SuicideIt's Wilhelm Scream and they rock hard! That's really all I have to say. Don't even bother downloading this album, go buy it if you haven't already. It's fuckin' tight!
Key Tracks: To 9, Jaws 3 People 0, These Dead Streets
November 13
The Dillinger Escape Plan – Ire Works
It was only recent that I started getting into these "mathcore" guys and how I wish I had got into them sooner. Man! These guys are fuckin' sick! This album is no exception it starts with a punch in the face it just fuckin' hits you and you're held there for the rest of the album. Also one of the many, many awesome bands playing in Tokyo while we are here. Life is good!
Key Tracks: Black Bubblegum,
Milk Lizard
Other albums worth listening to
(albums I fuckin' love but was too lazy to write about because I wanted to fuckin' post this thing
Dashboard Confessional – Shade of Poison Trees
Coheed and Cambria – Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World For Tomorrow
Jimmy Eat World – Chase This Light
Saves The Day – Under the Boards
Anti-Flag – A Benefit for Victims of Violent Crime
Every Time I Die – The Big Dirty